The practice is committed to the prevention and control of infection at all times. As part of this commitment the practice publishes an annual statement as shown below.
Infection Control Annual Statement 2021-2022
Our Annual Statement is produced to summarize:
- Any infection transmission incidents and action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure).
- Details of infection control audits undertaken and actions taken as a result.
- Details of infection control risk assessments undertaken and actions taken as a result.
- Reviews and updates of policies, procedures and guidelines.
Dr. Emma Gayle is the Practice lead for infection control supported by the Advances Practice nurse Joanne Hallinan.
Annual risk assessments and audits are carried out by the Nurse team, led by Nurse Joanne Hallinan with support from the Claire Cox the Practice Manager.
No significant IPC events have been reported in the last 12 months.
The annual infection control audit was carried out in May 2022 by AP Joanne Hallinan and Claire Cox. The findings of the audit showed that all infection control policies and protocols were being adhered to. The COSHH Audit was undertaken in May 2022 by the housekeeper and the PM.
It was agreed that an appropriate cleaning schedule was in place. The housekeeper works to a high standard, is aware of COSHH requirements and the color coded system for housekeeping. Patient feedback refers to a “clean, light and airy building”. Carpet cleaning in both patient and staff areas is to be undertaken after the winter.
In addition, the IPC measures identified in the Gold Standard Infection Prevention Society audit from 2019 were found to continue to be in place. Our management of the closure and positioning of sharps bins has been maintained as has the documentation of the cleaning required and undertaken for equipment used in the surgery and loaned to patients (no equipment has been loaned out during the Covid-19 pandemic).
A full Covid-19 Risk Assessment was undertaken and updated regularly from March 2020. This provides information regarding the highest standards of IPC for the practice when operating as the “hot site” and on return to practice-only working. An inspection was undertaken by a specialist IPC staff member from Calderdale MBC in April 2020 and all recommendations were adopted.
A Health and Safety Risk Assessment (including infection control) was carried out in June 2012 and updated in August 2013, October 2014, October 2015 and February 2017, February 2019 and will be repeated in May 2022. The 2021 general risk assessment was superceded by the specialist Covid-19 risk assessment.
Disposable curtains and disposable pillow covers are in use in clinical rooms. Disposable PPE is available in all clinical / treatment rooms from DaniCentres.
The practice’s Legionella Risk Assessment identified minimal risk and monthly checks of water temperatures are undertaken in-house. All mechanical and electrical systems are serviced twice annually by Pro-Active Maintenance.
Training is undertaken on a bi-annual basis in accordance with guidelines from the then NHS Calderdale. In addition, as required, training and updates are undertaken by the nurse team. The Practice has signed up to the IPC Champions strategy led by Calderdale MBC and also receives IPC information from Harrogate and District NHSFT which is shared across the team as required by subject of the update and staff roles.
All staff are briefed on COSHH and IPC requirements on arrival and provided with the Method Statement and Cleaning Schedule (by day) for the time they provide cover. IPC forms part of the induction of any new staff.
Staff training was undertaken for Covid working including cleaning, mask wearing, PPE and sanitising.
Staff training will be undertaken in May 2022 in conjunction with a review of the Risk Assessment.
The practice reviews all policies, protocols and guidelines relating to Infection Prevention and Control at least bi-annually or as required.
The practice ensures compliance with The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and uses NICE guidance, QS61 and the policies of CHFT as sources of IPC information and good practice.
FURTHER INFORMATION is available from the Practice Manager, to whom any patient feedback regarding any matters regarding infection control and prevention should be addressed.