Patients at Brig Royd Surgery can request access to their full and detailed coded medical record online. This record will include consultations, correspondence, medication, allergies, immunisations, test results and values, problems and diagnoses as well as references to referrals to specialists and other services, and procedures undertaken.
Log in details are the same as those for our other online services i.e. booking appointments and requesting medication. Please ensure that you keep your password secure.
If you know or suspect that your record has been accessed by someone that you have not agreed should see it, then you should change your password immediately. If you can’t do this please contact the practice so we can suspend online access until you are able to reset your password. Be careful that nobody can see your records on screen and be especially careful if you use a public computer.
If you print out any information from your record, it is your responsibility to keep this secure. If you are at all worried about keeping printed copies safe, we recommend that you do not make copies at all.
The information that you can see online may be misleading if you rely on it alone to complete insurance, employment or legal reports or forms.
To request access to your medical record online please complete an application form which can be downloaded from Brig Royd Surgery website or can be collected from reception. The completed form should then taken in person to the surgery when the receptionist will need to confirm your ID. one of which must be a photograph and one with a current address. Please be aware that it may take up to 28 days for us to have your record available for you to view and in some rare instance maybe longer, we will inform you if it is going to take longer than 28 days. Once your record is available to view we will inform you either by text or email
Basic checks will be undertaken by the team to ensure that access should be granted. It is up to your GP to decide if you should have access to your online records and if they consider it is not in your best interest they will discuss the reasons with you.
Access for “proxies” e.g. parents or carers can also be granted after completion of the proxy application form and basic checks. Access for young people’s records will be available to their parents until the age of 11. At the age of 12 access will be limited to requesting medication and booking appointments only unless the young person specifically gives consent for access to their medical record to continue to be available online to their parent/s or carer. All online access by parent/carers to young people’s records including prescriptions and online booking ceases on their 16th birthday.
Before you apply for online access to your record, there are some other things to consider. In all of these cases please contact the practice and we will assist. Initially enquiries should be made to our receptionist who will pass your enquiry on to the most appropriate member of the team. You may not receive an immediate reply to your enquiry.
For more information about online access to your medical record please contact the surgery on 01422 822209.
Although the chances of any of these things happening are very small, you will be asked that you have read and understood the following before you are given access to your medical record online.
Forgotten history – there may be something you have forgotten about in your record that you might find upsetting, or something in your record about which you were unaware.
Abnormal results or bad news – you may see something that you find upsetting in your record. We may set your record so that certain details are not displayed online e.g. test results that you might find worrying until we have had an opportunity to discuss the information with you.
Coercion – if you think you may be pressured into revealing details from your patient record to someone else against your will, it is best that you do not register for access at this time.
Misunderstood information – your medical record is designed to be used by clinical professionals to ensure that you receive the best possible care. Some of the information within your medical record may be highly technical, written by specialists and not easily understood by a lay person.
Information which may need correcting – if you find something which you do not think is correct please contact us. We will address your concerns and amend as necessary. Please bear in mind that you cannot change the record yourself.
Information about someone else – if you spot something in the record that is not about you or you notice any other errors, please log out of the system immediately and contact us.
More information
For more information about keeping your healthcare records safe and secure please follow this link:
The practice has the right to remove online access to services. This is rarely necessary but may be the best option if you do not use them responsibly or if there is evidence that access may be harmful to you. This may occur if someone else is forcing you to give them access to your record or if the record may contain something that may be upsetting or harmful to you. The practice will explain the reason for withdrawing access to you and will re-instate access as quickly as possible.